While I originally created this blog to get this very important information out there on the Internet, the last thing on my mind was being honored with like minded individuals. I was recently contacted by the administrator of a website by the name of infection.org. This website is not only dedicated to candida information, they are also looking to get information about other types of infections out there on the Internet.(Hence the name infection.org!)
I was honored that they even contacted me. But I guess that's the benefit of having great FREE information on the 'net. There are others out there that think like you and they will find you. You don't have to pay for everything on this Internet. There are a lot of free resources out there, you just have to look for them. Infection.org is one of them. Feel free to visit the website and let me know what you think! The tab is in the upper right hand corner of the blog.
P.S - The tab in the upper right hand corner of this blog also links to other websites that all offer free information that you can use to your hearts content! Check them all out!